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Text File  |  1999-03-12  |  16.2 KB  |  511 lines

  1. ;
  2. ;{*****************************************}
  3. ;{                                         }
  4. ;{             FastReport v2.2             }
  5. ;{            English resources            }
  6. ;{                                         }
  7. ;{  Copyright (c) 1998-99 by Tzyganenko A. }
  8. ;{                                         }
  9. ;{*****************************************}
  10. ;
  11. ; To use this language, simply rename file
  12. ; to 'FR.lng' and put it in Windows directory.
  13. ;
  15. [PreviewSearchForm]
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  401. ;
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  426. ;
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  467. ;
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  503. ;
  504. SVarEditor=           Variables editor...
  505. SNewReport=           New report
  506. SNewFromTemplate=     New from template...
  507. SOpenReport=          Open report...
  508. SDesignReport=        Design report
  509. SPreviewReport=       Preview report